6-24-98 - 10-27-10
We are heart-broken to loose our sweet boy, Winston. He brought us so much joy. He was a bright light and we miss him terribly.
When I fell sleep last night I didn’t know
That you would leave today.
You went so quickly and I’m left here
With all these things around me
That remind me that you are gone
And I don’t know what to do.
Your dinner bowl sits there
By the big green water bowl.
It still has speckles of your breakfast
And I can’t bear to wash it.
So your papa does it
And I can hear him crying.
Your toys are still in the basket
But I know you won’t mind
If I leave them there for
Your brother to use.
Your bed has a clean blanket because
I couldn’t stand to leave it empty.
Your papa cries again
This time because he found
Your brand new dog tag
Lying on his desk.
How will I sleep tonight
Without you curled into my belly?
Who will sit and give me the
Silent Stare that says “Let me out,”
But what it really means is
“Go get me a treat”?
Your brother doesn’t stand
At the door and bark like you do.
And I know I really need
To clean the blood spots off
The top stair but I don’t want to
Because it feels like
I am washing you away,
Sweet boy.
These tears keep on coming
Falling, rolling, pouring now.
They don’t wash away the hurt.
I knew that you would be leaving soon
But when I went to sleep last night
I didn’t dream it would be today.